
A weekly collection of items and thoughts that I find noteworthy but where I don’t get around to write something bigger about. These might be articles I’ve read, sites I’ve come around, things I learned or cool products I came across.

I’m still playing with the format of these weekly summary articles - instead of just listing links as I did in the first one am now slowly switching to provide a bit more context for each item. Will see how it works over time ;)

Feedback is very much welcome - see contact.

The book I’ve read this week was git sync murder by Michael W. Lucas. He is an awesome writer - both fiction as well as non-fiction. git sync murder is the sequel to git commit murder and is an Agatha Christy style mystery with a BSD, Unix, nerd conference setting. Really good read.

This week was a travelling week for me. The Open Source Business Alliance had the yearly members convention paired with the Open Source Day (german) in Berlin on Thursday. Added to that we (the OSBA) celebrated their 10th anniversary (german). This was the first in-person event I attended since the COVID-19 pandemic started and it was really, really nice to meet a lot of my friends in person again.

One of the speakers we had as part of the Open Source Day was Adriana Groh with the Sovereign Tech Fund. The initiative was also covered in this weeks episode of [Logbuch Netzpolitik. Adriana and Katharina Meyer were guests on the podcasts and interviewed in depth by Linus and Tim.

I came across an interesting paper by Ken Thompson (yes, that Ken Thomson ;) dating back to 1984 on Reflections on trusting trust:

To what extent should one trust a statement that a program is free of Trojan horses? Perhaps it is more important to trust the people who wrote the software.

For the BSD folks there are couple of items that I enjoyed looking at: The FreeBSD quarterly status report for the third quarter of 2021 has been published. On the APNIC blog a post on OpenBSD and how it all started was put up.

I’ve not completely dug through it, but this site covers the joy and fun of having an linux/unix console desktop. I’ve started to go over it and it has lot’s and lot’s of interesting tooltips.

If you deal with infrastructure, you likely already came acros netbox. The folks at osism put together a curated list of awesome links around netbox.

Through a retweet of JP Aumasson I found the The joy of cryptography - a free undergraduate textbook that introduces students to the fundamentals of provable security.