
A weekly collection of items and thoughts that I find noteworthy but where I don’t get around to write something bigger about. These might be articles I’ve read, sites I’ve come around, things I learned or cool products I came across.

Feedback is very much welcome - see contact.

I’m currently reading primarily two books:

On the second I will definitely write several posts, however Jonathan Smart, the author, gave a really good talk on this subject at this years edition of the DevOpsDays Zurich. Thanks Dirk - he pointed me to that recording. The first one was mentioned in a talk I watched - it covers the early 90s at Microsoft and the development of NT. Interesting - yet I’m not really fond of the writing style yet.

I’ve been listening to Ship It - another great production from the makers of the changelog. There is an excellent episode on What does good DevOps look like - with Romano, one of the organizers of DevOpsDays Zurich as guest.

Last week I quickly covered the 10th year anniversary of the Open Source Business Alliance - Prof. Dr. René Peinl wrote a good summary (german). Of course there is also coverage of our celebration (german) on the OSB Alliance website.

Nextcloud issued an antitrust complaint against Microsoft at the EU. This is important, go read the page of their initiative.

The SCS project published a well written statement on the GAIA-X and the departure of Scaleway (one of the founding members of the GAIA-X initiative) from GAIA-X as well as the surrounding press. Disclaimer: I’m actively involved in that project.

The protocols surrounding e-mail have been among my favorites as such, I got quite a kick out of this blogpost:

Last week I debated with a colleague about the efforts that go into research before diving into the development of a new feature. Part of this was the amount of time that goes into turning all known unknowns into known knowns and the thin line between being in an agil environment, being predictable while being innovative (eg. venture into territory that by definition will hold known unknowns as well as unknown unknowns). A good article on this is over at the UX collective.

To round this post up - two technical items :)