
Over the span of the SCS project, I gave a large variety of talks. This is an extract of those. Some are on english, some are on german.

[EN] the cloud report 2022 - A 5th open paradigm - open operations

Interview of Kurt Garloff and me after our talk on Open Operations at the OpenInfra Summit 2022 in Berlin. The Interview was conducted by Friederike Zelke of the Cloud Report (and later Community Manager of SCS).

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Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage 2022

[DE] “Collaboration over Competition”

Ein Einblick in den Sovereign Cloud Stack und die Zusammenarbeit im Projekt

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SCS Summit 2024

[DE] “openDesk auf SCS - ein digital souveräner Arbeitsplatz für die öffentliche Verwaltung”

Zusammen mit Andreas Reckert-Lodde

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[EN] OpenInfra Day Berlin 2024

“State of affairs: Confidential Computing on OpenStack”

From the schedule:

Felix Kronlage-Dammers will shed light on the evolving landscape of confidential computing within OpenStack-based cloud environments. With technologies like AMD SEV and Intel SGX available for years, the focus now turns to their integration and utilization within OpenStack infrastructures. While AMD SEV has been supported in OpenStack since the Train release, Intel SGX support remains in the realm of patch sets, yet to be fully integrated upstream. Kronlage-Dammers unveils ongoing efforts within the Sovereign Cloud Stack project to forward-patch existing Intel code for integration into OpenStack Bobcat, underscoring the importance of confidential computing in digital sovereign environments.

The presentation offers an insightful overview of confidential computing’s use cases in cloud environments, emphasizing its role in bolstering security and sovereignty. Kronlage-Dammers delves into the technological differences between AMD SEV and Intel SGX, exploring how these nuances influence their respective applications within cloud infrastructure. Furthermore, he elaborates on the current state of the Intel SGX patch set, detailing its impact on various OpenStack components and projects and outlining the path toward upstream integration.

[DE] Virtueller Roundtable zur Swiss Government Cloud und dem Sovereign Cloud Stack

Zusammen mit Kurt Garloff und Gerhard Andrey, Mitglied des Parldigi-Kernteams und Nationalrat der Grünen aus dem Kanton Freiburg.

Am Mittwoch, dem 11. Dezember 2024, veranstaltete die Parlamentarische Gruppe Digitale Nachhaltigkeit (Parldigi) von 14:00 bis 15:00 Uhr einen virtuellen Roundtable zum Thema der Swiss Government Cloud (SGC) und dem Sovereign Cloud Stack (SCS).

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